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Legal and Ethical Issues in

Online Education

Laptop and notebook on desk
Artifact Description:

The development and implementation of on line courses has increased exponentially over the years. Many instructors are thrown into on line teaching without any training. They may be unaware of legal and ethical issues surrounding on line learning. This work sample showcases a module I created in the Legal Issues on Online Learning course to train adjunct instructors on legal and ethical issues in on line teaching. The module addresses acceptable use of technology policies, accessibility of materials, privacy and protection information, and copyright, fair use and teach act. A guidance document, titled Legal and Ethical Issues in Online Education was also created as a supplement to the training module. The training module was designed using Power Point. 


The development of this training module and guidance document allowed me to further my understanding what legal and ethical considerations which are relevant to online learning.  First, I learned what an Acceptable Use of Technology or AUP was and ways an AUP is applied to different educational settings, including adjunct faculty. Carrie James quote "students may be well versed in the new digital technology but may not yet have the moral or ethical developmental level to make good on line choices" from Young People, Ethics, and the New Digital Media (ND) really resonated with me on the importances of AUP.  Second, the principles of data protections were clarified which really illustrated what legislation like FERPA was and what my responsibility was in protecting student data.  Third, I was introduced to the concept of making digital materials accessible to all.  While I since have had numerous training on accessibility, the creation of this training provided me with a foundation of accessibility in the digital world.  Finally, this course help to clarify my understanding of proper usage of materials in instruction, making sure to follow the laws of copyright, Fair Use and the TEACH Act. 

James, C., Davis, K., Flores, A., Francis, J., Pettingill, L., Rundle, M., & Gardner, H. Young people, ethics, and the new digital media: A synthesis from the Goodplay project. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Retrieved from 0262513630_Young_People_Ethics_and_New_Digital_Media.pdf
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