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Global Warming Learning Design Project

Global Climate Change.png
Artifact Description:

The Global Warming Learning Design Project was developed during my coursework in Learning Sciences and Technology. My classmates and I developed a goal based instructional design project that revolved around high school students understanding global warming and climate changes. This project showcases my understanding of the use a the constructivist approach, more specifically using goal based scenarios, in designing instruction. The purpose of integrating the goal based design project into my portfolio was to demonstrate a design process that utilized real world experience in the instruction, a cornerstone of my instructional philosophy. This artifact also demonstrates my ability to work with a team.  Instructional designers often are collaborating with individuals during the design process, many times remotely. The ability to collaborate is an important skill to posses.


This project allowed me to practice many important design skills. First, I experienced what it was like to collaborate with a team remotely and over multiple time zones. The team had to utilize effective organizational and time management skills in order to produce a successful product. I had to be able to articulate my ideas to the team as well as contribute to implementing all the team ideas in a cohesive fashion. The team utilized WebEx for team meetings which I initially demonstrated to the group because I had prior experience using this format. We also designed the project on Google Slides which allowed us to edit the project either individually or as a group.  

Second, the project provided a clearer understanding of how a goal based design can tap into the motivation of the learner which is an important component of psychological learning. Schank, Berman, & Macpherson  explain that goal based design is "...a learn-by-doing simulation in which students pursue a goal by practicing target skills and using relevant content å to help them achieve their goal" (p. 165). Goal based scenarios help to put the learning into more of a real world context. In a goal based scenario, students take an active role in the project which is a central tenet of the constructivist approach (Driscoll, 2005). This project allowed me to not only learn the 7 design principles of goal based scenarios but also how to design instruction for each principle.

Schank, R. C., Berman, T. R., & Macpherson, K. A. (1999). Learning by doing. In C. M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional-design Theories And Models: Vol. 2, A New Paradigm of Instructional Theory, (pp. 161-181). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Driscoll, M (2005). Psychology of Learning for Instruction (3rd ed., pp. 404-406). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. 
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